Monday, December 1, 2008

miles' phone call

I just got off the phone with Miles' teacher. With his last year's MAPS testing he was above his grade level in math. So he was tested again this year and he failed the test. His teacher and the test administrator this year decided that he didn't focus and was distracted so they tested him again with him wearing headphones. The test results show that he should be in the "Gifted and Talented" program (their words, not mine). So she was calling me to ask if he could switch from his regular math class and start this new class today. He had a note in his backpack, but we went up to Cook, for the 4 day weekend, the second he got home. I had taken his backpack and just thrown it in the house and got him in the already packed car.

He had been telling people that he was going to go into advanced math, and we had been saying that he might not know what he was talking about. I seriously thought the whole class was just doing better in math and the teacher was maybe saying that they could all go up a level or something. So it turns out Miles does know what he is talking about. It's kind of like this weekend when he woke up next to a pile of puke and said he didn't do it. We didn't believe him. We smelled his breath and looked at his clothes and he was completely clean. Quite a while later he was found innocent when Kim woke up and told us that Murphy had thrown up in the middle of the night and went into her room and thrown up again. She washed him up and he got into her bed and she threw towels on the puke and went back to bed.


A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

Well we knew he was a genius! Congratulations Miles! Sorry your mom thinks you're a liar.

Anonymous said...

Miles, I know what it is like be gifted and talented and people just don't understand it.

mom said...

I believe you Miles. Now I hope you don't have to wear headphones all year!

Oh, and Kasey, I love your new picture.

mom said...
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Kelly said...

I knew this all along about you Miles. And I am also not surprised that Auntie Kim framed you with the puke under the towel trick. Your mom and dad wouldn't know this about Auntie Kim, as your mom is too young to remember the puke under the towel trick she plays.