Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i am ecstatic

I am so excited. I have found a way to brush Murphy's teeth! This is no small feat. The dentist gave me a stick to pry open his jaw to brush his teeth. I can't do it! I don't want to wrestle with him and torture him while he cries. So: I got him a vibrating toothbrush. He not only lets me brush his teeth, he lets me brush them for as long as I want! We had one when he was younger, and he let me use it a little bit. Maybe we won't have to do any more dental surgeries and silver caps. I can now actually brush them, before I would swipe it in as fast as possible while he clenched his jaw shut. It only took 6 1/2 years to get here. Heaven is that you?


Anonymous said...

Please don't let him play with it.

kasey said...

He will not be scrubbing any toilets with this toothbrush!

Dear Beijing said...

My parents had a very good technique on us when we were kids (5 siblings) - we each had two toothbrushes, and every night they'd ask us (for instance) Do you wanna brush your teath with the blue brush or the yellow one today.

That way, the actual ACT of brushing your teeth is not really up for discussion. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness he lets you now!

Anonymous said...

So Perfect of a picture to have with this blog. He looks so hasn't brushed his teeth in six years so he has lost half of them in it.

kasey said...

He was eating a white cheddar cheez it. funny! that is exactly why I chose it.