Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Miles' Fun Writing: 'GROSSWARS'

ONCE upon a time in a far away Galaxy. Puke was Finaly a Jedi Knight And gat his new Fartsaber. he Was so HAPPY! I've got to go tell Forta Puke said to everyone. Have Fun With that said opie bun ballonie. then the Roillel Mawo came in it onley Was SpeeKing Jibrish [this is where he drew chinese-looking letters]! I think its dieing. little did they KnoW the Mawo said Mango Fat Was AtacKing Fartin 4. then He came in With His Fartblaster. Unfinished bississ doppie bun ballonie. [more chinese-looking letters]. SPOZZbaF Ho Ho Ho. PPPPPppttttttt OOOAAHHH you stink. Said doppie bun ballonie


A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

he spelled baloney wrong

Kim said...

Kady, LOL, LOL

I was coming here to post my comment that see, case in point, another Hexum descendent in tune with (and maybe obsessed with) bodily functions.

Anonymous said...

He'll grow up to be an author one day.

prettiest sister said...

Hey I learned something new Jibrish is really chinese. LOL

Kelly said...


Anonymous said...

Add another entry already!