Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What in the name of all that is holy?

What photographer would put his name on this? I have never laughed so hard in my life at any school photo than I have at this. Please trust that I have seen my share of picture day mishaps, heck, I've even been the poor jerk in the photo. My poor sweet boy. His eyes look scared and his neck tendons (is that what those are?) look so taut I could play them like a stand up bass. I asked him what he was thinking when the snap was taken and he said (making the same face, and talking through his teeth), "They're all looking at me."


Unknown said...

"Its called an upright bass, not a stand up bass", says Karley.

kasey said...

Actually, we are both correct. My husband plays bass and he calls it that too. PEACE!

mom said...

I remember the "scientific" picture Miles took one year. This year he looks like his science failed him and he is saying "Curses, foiled again!"

Kelly said...

Miles, I see something else in this picture that no one else has noticed. You are growing up too fast and it makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

actually kasey..i play bass TOO and i call it that..and a few other peeps i know who play bass so HAH lol :p

Anonymous said...

actually your all wrong, I caught a Delicious Bass and they have many types, Smallies, largemouth, striped, silver, and many more. you reely have to play the Bass well to get them in the boat. They can jump upright and look as though they are standing on water. I think they call them the "Jesus Fish" as they skip across the water. or they were the fish he gave with the bread. can't rememder.

kasey said...

call it whatever you want... I'm going to continue calling it what punk rockers call it.