Tuesday, March 31, 2009

one of the world's nastiest hotels

In front of the entrance we were asked for change by a homeless woman and saw a 6'5" "woman" with the build of a Harlem Globe trotter.
Warnings of damages and fees for visitors: $30! (prostitutes?), and you were only allowed one at a time:
Need to rest your tired feet? Comfortable bench available with only minimal amounts of disease!
Need glamour in your life? Try this elevator:
What's that you say? Oh, you don't enjoy running water on the floor behind the toilet? Best not flush! And if you are going to be a while, no leaning back, or you just might puncture a kidney.
I swear when we walked in the lobby, I heard doves cry.
Here's a "lounge" located on the floor of your room for your convenience:


A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

OH MY GOD, that is totes scary!

Ben said...

I think it was more gross than scary.

Mom said...

6'5" ex harlem globe trotter.........hmmmm.....I always wondered what became of them.

A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

who would SIT in those chairs? Let alone LOUNGE?

kasey said...

I imagined waking to find a heroin addict passed out in one with a needle still in his arm.