Tuesday, March 31, 2009

pier 39, the wharf

Ben on a trolley:
Silver guys pretending to be statues:
Gold pop-n-lock guy. And a semi-silver guy:
Lots of seals:


Mom said...

MMMM Ben on a trolley......you can ring my bell.

A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

Yah. I've never been so attracted to you as I am right now. At 1:55am. 3 gin and tonics in.

Ben: call me.


kasey said...

I do read this blog. It is my blog, you know. Back off... trollops.

Kelly said...

I too am like Ben....

Ben said...

Thanks ladies

prettiest sister said...

Ben if Kasey ever gives you any flack, you can say, "You know there are 3 women who would be glad to have me!"

kasey said...

KERI, that is SO FUNNY. You said "three". You didn't add yourself to the list! Not even to be in on it. Not for pity. Not for nothing. LOL!